I wasn’t going to include the Wood 3-in-1 Chess Backgammon Table on this site because this table is exactly the same as the Lincoln Center Game Table, which oddly, has a lot better reviews than this table.
I decided that in case someone is looking at this table to purchase then it should have a presence on this site.
Apart from the odd one or two positive comments, every customer’s review of this product was so negative. Most seemed to indicate that the product was useless and that they would not be using it. Some even said the table is going straight in the trash as soon as they had put it together.
The table has a drawer to hold your playing pieces, and the chess playing board needs to be removed to access the backgammon board. The table comes with chess pieces however does not come with backgammon pieces.
This backgammon table is made from wood veneer, stands 19.375 inches high, is 19 inches wide and 19 inches deep. When the game table is not in use the chess playing board can be reversed to it’s veneer side to make the table look like a standard end table or coffee table.
The features make this Wood 3-in-1 Chess Backgammon Table sound great. However it appears that is is not all that it is cracked up to be; pardon the pun but apparently the legs crack quite easily. A simple exercise of moving the table can result in cracked legs.
Speaking of the legs, it has been mentioned in several comments how it is very difficult to fix the legs to the table top. Then apparently the legs don’t stay attached for very long.
Some purchasers have also commented on the poor quality of the materials used, indicating that the veneer peels off by itself and doesn’t last long at all.
I have scoured the web looking for positive reviews for this table, and while there are a few, they are heavily outweighed by negative even mildly angry reviews.
Having summarised the negative comments, take a look at the Lincoln Table which is identical – things don’t seem that bad. It’s worth noting that the Lincoln Table is quite a lot cheaper than this backgammon table.